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Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Showcase – 22/11/18


22 November 2018


08:30 – 14:00


Sir Colin Campbell Building, University of Nottingham, Jubilee Campus, Nottingham, NG8 1BB


Climate Change Solutions

The event

Participants will have the opportunity to hear about the exciting developments taking place in this sector. Suitable for  public, private, academic and third sector attendeess, the aim being to showcase activity in the sector, demonstrating how these technologies will become a key element in the future energy mix powering our homes our workplaces and our transport ,  whilst giving participants the opportunity to meet new contacts and create new working relationships We attract public, private, academic and third sector attendees and speakers to these events, the aim being to showcase activity in the sector and demonstrate how these technologies will become a key element in the future energy mix. Alongside the existing Hydrogen and Fuel Cell sector this event is suitable for those who are new to the industry and want to understand how Hydrogen and Fuel Cells can power our homes , workplaces and our transport. Following the presentations there will be a light lunch and opportunity for networking alongside a display of and opportunity to ride in Fuel Cell vehicles and tours of the University’s Fuel Cell labs

Booking and further information

More information, including a break down of the price structure can be found at the Climate Change Solutions website, as can booking information.

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