Chair of Sustainability West Midlands

Andrew joined our Board as a Non-Executive Director and Chair in November 2020. He has over 30 years commercial real estate and business experience and was appointed as the Managing Director of award-winning joint property vehicle, Place Partnership ahead of launching the business in 2015. Place Partnership was established by a number of West Midlands based public authorities and the Cabinet Office with the aim of driving efficiencies, value and savings across the region. Through its work as part of the One Public Estate programme it has created a number of regional multi-agency public service hubs, which has improved public service delivery. Andrew has a keen interest in energy and sustainability having created a team dedicated to this work, which has delivered significant energy savings and efficiency projects.
Prior to Place Partnership he had served as director of a number of significant international real estate businesses engaged in investment, regeneration and development and in Private Practice in the real estate sector with leading international firms based in London and Birmingham.
He is a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, a Solicitor of the Senior Courts of England & Wales and a qualified Barrister.