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Beate Pesian

External Advisory Committee Member

Beate Pesian Image


I am a co-founding Director of the recruitment consultancy Worksmiths.

We help our clients familiarise themselves with the implementation and reporting of ESG-related measures. Whilst also finding them the right talent to help them on their journey to make change happen and make sure organisations are accountable every step of the way. Worksmiths also acts as a trusted partner to businesses to help them successfully appoint their international executive positions.

At the same time, I mentor and champion career returners, career changers and the changemakers of tomorrow. Supporting them to find their right-fit role.

Prior to life in the UK, I qualified as a lawyer in Germany and worked in litigation.

Outside of business, people have known me for my environmentalist positions in all sorts of aspects like waste, biodiversity, organic products, shopping and carbon footprint. However, the recruitment consultancy I co-founded in 2016 did not wholly reflect my personal values. So, in 2020, I finally steered Worksmiths towards being an organisation that openly advocates the 17 UN Goals for Sustainable Development when working with clients. Our internal strategy directs us towards becoming a business that sees purpose and action equally grounded in environmental, social, and financial concerns. There is still a lot to learn and to improve on and I am grateful for organisations like Sustainability West Midlands who help us with information and connect us with like-minded people. But who also advocate sustainability in the Midlands and beyond.