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Ian Jenkinson

External Advisory Committee Member

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Ian’s background is Local Government, starting as a highways engineer, finishing as Chief Executive. During his career he dealt with every community facing service and most of the backroom processes. 

Following an early retirement, Ian joined the Board of the Stoke & Staffordshire LEP to assist with regeneration and sub-regional transportation. Following this he became Chair of the Staffordshire Local Pensions Board dealing with pension arrangements for 117,000 people in 400 organisations. He also gave consultancy advice for infrastructure projects in England and Wales.

Nationally, Ian was editor of Municipal Engineer, a member of the Sustainability Guidance Panel, the Expert Panel for Urban Engineering, and a reviewer for the Management Book of the Year prize. Internationally, he has published and spoken widely about city management.

Ian currently assesses engineers for their final professional qualifications, is Treasurer for Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE) West Midlands Regional Executive, and a Governor of Staffordshire University. In his spare time, he enjoys sailing, walking, and cycling.