Communication and Impact
We aim to represent the voices of all organisations addressing sustainability throughout our region, and beyond. We have continually developed our communications to be cohesive and accessible and to celebrate the success of the fantastic work in sustainability.
What channels of communication does SWM have?
We have a variety of methods by which we engage our members and stakeholders. As a membership organisation, we prioritise our members for all communications.
Events and presentations: the SWM team has expertise in all eight themes of our Roadmap to 2030 and annually attend events whereby our objectives support theirs. Regular highlights include; Solar and Storage Live, RWM (Recycling and Waste Management) and the David Middleton Conference. However, a great deal of our events are responsive to the requests of our stakeholders and address important current issues influencing the sustainability landscape. We love to speak at other events, and to put our members forward to provide their expertise too.
SWM hosts an Annual Conference every year: which attracts over of 100 cross-sector professionals, networking and collaborating.
We hold an annual SWM members-only ‘Members Mingle Networking’ event: where our members are invited to network with fellow members to establish those essential connections for future collaborations.
Our online presence and reach
Our website includes everything about our operations as an independent, not-for-profit organisation. It includes who we are, our Roadmap to 2030, our projects and our values and priorities. It is updated daily with the most up-to-date events, news, opportunities, and business support funding throughout sustainability. Our members are prioritised on our website, with profiles and contact details.
Reach: Over 2,000 unique users and 7,000 page views per month
‘Sustainability West Midlands’ on LinkedIn. Our company profile is followed by over 4,000 sustainability professionals who regularly share and engage with our posts. Our team, board associates and volunteers also have their own individual LinkedIn pages and regularly air their thoughts on all things sustainability.
Newsletter. Our monthly e-newsletter is the main conduit of information sharing we undertake for anyone interested in news, events and funding within the general field of ‘Sustainability’. It is distributed to a wide spectrum of sustainability professionals that grows every week.
To find out more about our communications, get in touch at enquiries@swm.org.uk or call 07751 930625.