15 March 2016
08:30 – 19:00
NEC, Birmingham, B40 1NT.
Climate Change Solutions Ltd.
The event
Now in its 12th year, the UK’s premier Hydrogen and Fuel Cell event attracts over 200 delegates from UK, Europe and further afield. A key aspect of the event is the facilitation of partnering meetings to provide forums for discussions re business opportunities and joint funding bids especially within the European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell community – a valuable and much appreciated dimension to the conference. The event will again focus on the commercialisation of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell technology looking at small and large scale static applications alongside the exciting developments in transport and storage. Customers and the supply chain are key targets alongside the existing UK & International H&FC community. The conference will be of interest not only to those already involved in this sector but also to professionals in related fields who would like to gain an insight into the opportunities this technology provides. At the conference will be the Toyota Mirai, Microcab H2EV, Ulemco Van and the new Riversimple car (launch date mid February). Speakers include: Denis Thomas – Hydrogenics Jose Luis Crespo – Plug Power Kevin Fothergill – Johnson Matthey Hugo Spowers – River Simple Ewan Swaffield – Transport Scotland Graham Cooley – ITM Power Alex Mauser – Enterprise Europe Network Harsh Pershad – Innovate UK Ballard Power Systems Workshop/Session Chairs include: Ilias Vazaios – Ecuity, Jim Campbell – Sutherland Campbell, Ben Madden – Element Energy, Celia Greaves – UKHFCA, Kevin Kendall – Adelan, Kerry Ann Adamson – 4th Energy Wave & Michaela Kendall – University of Birmingham Day delegate rate: £225. Under & Post Graduate Students – 65% discount on delegate fee – just £75 and for groups of 5+ a further 20% – just £60. CCS are interested to talk to organisations who wish to take up either an exhibition or sponsorship package.
Booking and further information
For further information, visit Climate Change’s website or see details of last year’s conference. To book a sponsorship opportunity or for further information, please get in touch with Jacqui.staunton@climate-change-solutions.co.uk 02476 217746.