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Actions and Decisions for Responsible Business Conference – 5/12/19


5 December




Euston Square, London


Lloyds Banking Group Centre for Responsible Business

The Event

Actions and decisions for responsible business conference 2019, hosted by the Lloyds Banking Group Centre for Responsible Business, brings together a select group of thought leading academics, policy makers and business leaders. The conference offers a unique perspective and forum to discuss the latest developments and thinking around business actions and decisions. Businesses seeking to understand and be part of discussions around how responsible business actions can be the driving force to success, and can be achieved through business decision making, will want to join this conversation. This is a must attend event for all future and current business leaders and decision makers who are seeking to understand and be part of discussions around how responsible business actions can be the driving force behind business success. It will also host the launch of Responsible Business Essentials; a series of practical guidelines developed by the Centre to inspire your business to easily achieve responsible business goals. To learn more about the Centre’s work, read our Annual Report. The full agenda and speaker list for the day will be released shortly.

More Information

Places at this year’s conference are strictly limited and invitations will be sent out soon. If you wish to express your interest in attending, or nominate attendees, please do so by emailing responsiblebusiness@contacts.bham.ac.uk detailing names, job titles, organisations and email addresses for an opportunity to secure a complimentary place.

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