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After the Floods report launch and project findings – 22/3/15


22 March 2016


17:45 – 19:00


Worcester Racecourse, Pitchcroft, Worcester, WR1 3EJ.


University of Birmingham.

The event

UoB would like to invite you to attend the Report Launch and Project Findings event for our Economic and Social Research Council funded After the Floods project. The project brings together University of Birmingham experts on hydrology, human geography and business resilience to examine how businesses, homeowners and communities across the UK are preparing for future flood events. Worcester is one of four areas in the UK that the research examined and local businesses, community members and experts involved in aspects of flood management have shared their experiences with the project team during the course of the research. The purpose of the event is to launch the project’s final report and to share the project’s key findings, both in relation to Worcester and the other areas studied in the project. By being involved in the event you will have an opportunity to shape how local experiences are captured in the project’s findings and shared with central government decision-making bodies.

Booking and further information

Download the UoB After the Floods Report Launch – Worcester 22.3.16 flyer or, for any further information about the project and to confirm your attendance, please email us at s.brammer@bham.ac.uk. If you’re unable to attend we would appreciate you extending our invitation to your colleagues or networks.

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