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ARCC assembly: Urban areas as systems adapting for the future – 10 & 11/6/14


10 & 11 June 2014


10:30 – 16:30


IET Birmingham: Austin Court, 80 Cambridge Street, Birmingham, B1 2NP


Adaptation and Resilience in the Context of Change Network (ARCC)

The event

This major knowledge exchange event will:

  • explore policy and practice issues and challenges in the context of using research and contributing to outputs;
  • showcase recent scientific advances from across EPSRC-funded research on adaptation and resilience in the built environment and infrastructure areas;
  • allow extensive networking opportunities, including time to identify future research directions and new science/policy and practice collaborations.

This Assembly is aimed at academic researchers and stakeholders from policy and practice communities with an interest in developing and using research to inform decisions in the built environment and infrastructure sectors. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with current research that is supporting adaptation and resilience in the urban environment, to identify opportunities for further collaboration and knowledge exchange and to influence the directions of future research and research investments.

Booking and further information

Visit the ARCC website for more information and booking details.

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