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Aston Inaugural ‘Climate change versus sustainability (the morality of disaster relief)’ 27/1/14


27 January 2014


6pm start (refreshments available from 5.30pm and buffet to follow lecture)


MB644, 6th Floor, Aston University Main Building, Birmingham, B4 7ET (just a short walk from Birmingham City Centre). Directions are available here.


Aston University

The event

The Aston Inaugurals showcase and celebrate the research of the University’s recently appointed professors, and the first Aston Inaugural of 2014 will be delivered by Professor Keith Clarke – Visiting Professor of Sustainability, Royal Academy of Engineering.

This one-off lecture will explore climate change and its ramifications for young professionals, and would be useful for anyone with an interest in climate change and its effect on the future.

Al Gore famously described climate change as “An Inconvenient Truth” hence his ground-breaking lecture and film. Climate science has progressed enormously with recent Government climate change reports clearly stating the order of magnitude of climate change scenarios.

It is not as simple as Gore puts it – the structure and nature of climate change is not capable of being addressed by the current organisational structures either within academia, business or Government. With this in mind, what are the structural implications for our society going forward to attempt to adapt to climate change? Unlike any other environmental issue to date, the magnitude, complexity and time constraints are manifestly different.

How to book

Visit www.aston-inaugural-keith-clarke-climate-change.eventbrite.co.uk to book your place and for further information. Alternatively, email events@aston.ac.uk. Keith Clarke Inaugural Lecture 27 Jan 14 poster

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