18 April
08:30 – 11:00
Best Western Valley Hotel, Ironbridge, TF8 5DW
The event
This annual BESST Back-2-Basics Breakfast meeting will include presentations from the award winning case studies in 2017, including the: carbon and energy management award, natural capital enhancement awards and the unsung sustainability heroes award. There will also be discussions around the 2018 BESST Awards launch. There will be a talk from Barclays Bank on green financing as Barclays has become the first UK bank to launch a range of green finance products to help its corporate clients fund low carbon projects and investments. This includes loans, deposits, asset finance and innovation finance for accelerating investments in firms for small and larger corporates.
Booking and further information
This event is free to paid up members of BESST. Non-BESST members can attend for a nominal fee. Bookings to be made to