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Big data: Smart Cities; Connected Rural – 24/11/16


24 November 2016


09:00 – 16:30


Anthony Collins Solicitors, 134 Edmund Street, Birmingham, B3 2ES



The event

SHAP is launching the first of many discussions around the use of data for housing in its Big Data Event. The event will welcome experts from the technology and housing industry alike to explore the opportunities, and showcase practical examples, of how better use of data and analysis can support business decision making. Sue Daley, Head of Big Data at TechUK, will be a keynote speaker. Sue will be joined by a host of innovators and experts from organisations including Orchard Systems, Genesis Housing Association, RE:NEW, Sustainable Homes, Corespeed and National Energy Foundation in what will be a fascinating look at how housing organisations can better deliver services and value by starting with better use of existing data. This event is intended as an introduction for non-data experts in all areas of the housing industry, and for technology innovators interested in working more in the housing space.

Booking and further information

Space is limited so book early to avoid disappointment here. For more details please see this flyer or contact co-ordinator@shap.uk.com.

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