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Bioenergy Master Class Course – 6-7/9/17


6-7 September




Coventry & Warwickshire Growth Hub,  Cheylesmore House, 5 Quinton Road, Coventry, CV1 2WT


SWM members EBRI

The event

EBRI’s Master Class courses provide exclusive content for entrepreneurs and business leaders covering the technical and commercial fundamentals of bioenergy. Companies looking to develop new products and services can benefit from attending this event, as can those who are simply looking for a better understanding of the bioenergy market. Attendance is recommended from SME business leaders and entrepreneurs in the West Midlands seeking new opportunities in the bioeconomy marketplace including biomass, biorefining, bioenergy, biofuels and bio based products and services; and expert advice and guidance to help develop bioenergy solutions that are right for their organisation. The event is free to all businesses in five of the six West Midlands LEPs (all except Worcestershire).

Booking and further information

For more information visit here or to book your place email bioenergy@aston.ac.uk or call 0121 2043383

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