11 September 2013
10am – 4pm
Coventry University, Priory St , CV1 5GA
CASSANDRA – an EC-financed research project that develops a platform for the realistic modelling of the energy market stakeholders, involving small-scale consumers.
The event
At the workshop we will present the results of the ongoing research, development and evaluation of the CASSANDRA Project and interact with potential users and illustrate how different stakeholders of the energy market can benefit from the CASSANDRA open source decision support platform. This workshop offers you the unique opportunity to explore the CASSANDRA platform and how it can contribute value to your company, discover how other companies are currently using the platform and also interact with the speakers and other event attendees in order for you to provide your input on the project and network.
How to book and contact information
This is a FREE event.
For more information and to register please follow this link.