Friday 2 November
9.30am – 2.30pm
Maple House, 150 Corporation Street, Birmingham City Centre, B4 6TB
SWM partner Centro
The event itself
The conference aims to celebrate 10 years of Centro’s Community Funding and partnership across the West Midlands.
In this period, over 50 community based projects have benefited from Centro’s £2.8 million funding and a wide range of people including the young, elderly, homeless, unemployed and minority groups have witnessed improved accessibility.
The conference aims to celebrate the many projects successes and assist organisations to gain an increased understanding and awareness of transport related issues affecting individuals and communities. It will identify the core issues that present barriers to people accessing key services and explore how innovative transport services and provisions can meet the needs of the regions communities.
The conference will empower communities to have a collective say in the way their neighbourhood develops, emphasise the importance of strong partnerships between the community, public and private sectors to deliver valuable transport services and to share good practice from previous Transport Regeneration Funded Projects.
Contact for further information
To book a free place, please ring or email Helen Davies (0121 214 7408) by no later than 15 October.