5 November 2020
10:00 – 11:30
by Lydia Dutton, Debbie Ward & Clare Ollerenshaw on behalf of CEC Birmingham
The Event
This event will explore how a circular food sector/system can have a positive impact socially as well as environmentally and economically. Discussions will include the additional pressures and opportunities that COVID 19 has presented us with, and cover some regional CE food examples.
10am Welcome and CEC Introduction. CEC
10.10am WMCA Circular Economy Update. CEC on behalf of WMCA
10.20am Olio – circular food app. Elis Joudalova, OLIO Market Growth, Circular Economy & Food Waste Specialist. Elis is a food waste and circular economy professional with a contagious passion for food, environment and community empowerment.
10.30am Winnow case study. Video clip
10.35am Circular & Communal Food-Art Actions. John Ashlin, circular economy researcher and practitioner. John has spent a number of years in China, latterly working with Circle Economy before recently returning to the UK. He is now working with communities and other stakeholders exploring how community art and cultural projects can help support flourishing circular and resilient local food systems and cultures.
10.45am Our approach to circular food. Kate Smith, Slow Food Birmingham. The Slow Food movement links the pleasure of food with a commitment to community and the environment. Kate is involved in a number of food and sustainability oriented organisations, The Pink Cook, Green Games Network and Eat Make Play in addition to Slow Food Birmingham.
10.55am Q&A
11.10am Breakout networking
11.30am Close
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