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Climate Adaptation in Practice and Climate Just Training – 4/1/18


4 January 2018


09:15 – 13:00 (including lunch at 12:15) 12:15 – 16:00 (including lunch at 12:15 – workshop starts at 13:00)


G04 Computer Cluster, Strathcona Building, University of Birmingham campus, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT.
A map of the campus is available here.


SWM, supported by Environment Agency and Joseph Rowntree Foundation


This event is free for SWM members and members of our networks, led by the West Midlands Climate Resilience Network. Other individuals from the public sector, universities, SMEs and community groups are also welcome for free. Other organisations are welcome to attend at SWM’s discretion.

The event

This event is split into two parts as indicated below. Part One 09:30 to 12:15 – Climate Adaptation in Practice This half of the day will focus on how organisations from various sectors are adapting to climate change and the impacts of extreme weather. It will focus on the methods and tools organisations have used to improve their adaptive capacity and we will look at physical and practical ways that organisations have adapted their assets to the impacts of climate change, including flooding, heatwaves and storms. Confirmed participants include:

  • Defra, who will be setting the national context and providing more information about the new National Adaptation Programme
  • Environment Agency
  • Cambridge City Council
  • National Flood Forum
  • Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust
Part Two 13:00 to 16:00 – Climate Just TrainingClimate Just

is an information tool designed to help with the delivery of equitable responses to climate change at the local level. Its main focus is to assist the development of socially just responses to the impacts of extreme events, such as flooding and heatwaves, as well as supporting wider climate change adaptation. It is a hugely powerful tool for helping you plan for climate impacts in your area and includes a sophisticated mapping tool that you can use to identify where and who is most at risk of climate impacts. This training and development session aims to increase the number of people who are comfortable in using and applying the tool in practice to help reduce the risks to vulnerable groups. By attending this workshop, you will be using the tool in practice on the day and going through a series of exercises. The site is being updated and improved in early 2018 and workshop participants will be able to preview the new version before it goes live on 16 February. We held some Climate Just Training workshops in early 2016; view the outputs to give you an indication of what the workshop involves.


We are delighted that the Environment Agency are partnering with us for this event.

Booking and further information

Book your place onto the morning Climate Adaptation in Practice event here. Book you place onto the afternoon Climate Just Training workshop here. Registrations for both close on Tuesday 2 January at 17:00. Please register onto both workshops if you wish to attend both.


A draft agenda is now available


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