3 November 2022Time
Online, via ZoomOrganisers
SWM & Environment AgencyThe Event
2022 has already been an unprecedented year for severe weather in England, especially with regards to the hot and dry summer when temperature records were smashed. 40 degrees was recorded in England, and July was the driest since 1935. There is increasing evidence that this is climate change in action.
The third UK Climate Change Risk Assessment, published earlier this year, reflects what we are likely to experience as a result of climate change; some of these we are already seeing happen. As a result, we can no longer assume that our commitments to meeting Net Zero will be enough to stave off the worst impacts of climate change.
In response to this, Sustainability West Midlands and the Environment Agency produced the first ever West Midlands Climate Change Adaptation Plan in November 2021. Through this plan and other work, we understand how critical the role of local authorities are in responding to many of the actions of this plan and the threats that climate change poses to the people, infrastructure and economy of their local area. We also appreciate, however, that a lack of legislation and resource for local authorities means that this is easier said than done.
This event will, therefore, provide a selection of examples of climate change adaptation action that is being led or influenced by local authorities. Councils from across England will be speaking about different projects that demonstrate what adaptation looks like in practice, and how working in partnership, utilisation of funding and integration with other council priorities can help get projects off the ground despite these logistical constraints.
The examples will be applicable England-wide, and therefore any local authority representative from England is welcome to attend.
An agenda can be downloaded here.