Tuesday 12 January 2010
1:00pm – 3:00pm
GOWM (see map), Room GA
Health Protection Agency West Midlands
The event itself
This workshop will discuss a project in the West Midlands that is examining the human health impacts of climate change in the region.
The scope of the report is detailed in the attached document. The project began on 1st October 2009 and will finish on 31st March 2010. This workshop will outline the work undertaken to date and we would like your comments on the scope, methodology and data sources used. This is a very important regional piece of work, the first of its kind at the
regional level, which will be a significant driver for adaptation and mitigation strategies.
A short summary document will be send out prior to the workshop so you will be able to better understand the work undertaken, some initial results and the likely final outputs. Please send in your comments when you receive this document if you are unable to attend the workshop.
How do you attend this event
The room holds 48 and places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Please use the contact details below to reserve your place.
Contact for further information
Please telephone Paul Fisher at the Health Protection Agency West Midlands on 0121 352 5199 (direct), 07747476526 (blackberry) or 0121 352 5240 (general office). Alternatively you can email or fax 0121 352 5018.