6 September 2016
09:30 – 16:00
Smithfield One Building, Stoke City Council, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire.
The event
You are invited to a Nordic Heat master class session focusing on how to present and sell in the concept of district energy to the various stakeholder groups and decision makers related to investments in district energy. The Master Class on Urban Heating will have a more interactive approach than previous master classes. There will be a number of relevant speakers, but also opportunities to share experiences and ideas in smaller workshop sessions. The session will consider three themes: I. Communication during the planning stage of district energy Selling in the concept and the business plan of a project to key stakeholder groups
- Investors
- Local politicians
- Anchor customers – captive audience (universities, public buildings, larger private customers)
- Influential “pilots” – high profile customers
- Key influencers – NGOs, media, social networks
II. Communication during the installation & commissioning stage Securing acceptance and interest during installation and as the project evolves
- General public
- Targeted new customers
III. Sales and Marketing communication during the expansion stage Laying the groundworks for self-driven expansion based upon a positive perception of district heating driving a growing demand combined with adding new low-carbon heat sources
- Targeted market segments and geographical areas
- Investors
- Local industry (as a user and as potential waste heat sources)
Booking and further information
For full details, download the flyer Nordic Heat Master Class UK – URBAN HEATING – Stoke 6.9.16, or to register for this free event, visit the Eventbrite website.