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Community/area emissions workshop


Friday 9 December


10am – 12.30pm


Room G01A, 1 Lancaster Circus, Queensway, Birmingham B4 7DQ


Sustainability West Midlands

Target audience

West Midlands Local Authorities

The event itself

As part of the Low Carbon Economy Programme, we are hosting a free of charge morning workshop on community/area carbon emissions. The session will showcase examples where West Midlands local authorities have implemented community/area carbon emissions projects with residents and businesses, exploring how they were successfully implemented, the challenges faced and how these were overcome, and the benefits being delivered. 

We will also have a representative from the Energy Saving Trust.

This workshop will be followed by a West Midlands Sustainable Development Officers Network meeting from 1.30pm – 3.30pm.

How do you attend this event

This event is free. Email Laura.Simpson@swm.org.uk (0121 237 5890) to register and for more information.

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