12 January 2016
13:00 – 17:30
Impact Hub, Walker Building, 58 Oxford St, Birmingham, B5 5NY.
RegenSWThe event
Regen SW is holding a series of Community Grid Events throughout the autumn and new year throughout the UK, including this event in Birmingham. The event is free of charge for community energy groups and have been kindly supported by Western Power Distribution (WPD). Capacity and connections have always been a key element of renewable energy developments and can have a huge impact on community projects. This Community Energy Group network event will help groups understand how to navigate grid issues, find out how they can work together with Western Power Distribution (WPD) to secure a grid connection and what the options are if there is currently no affordable capacity. New innovative solutions to grid constraints are emerging and community energy can be at the forefront of trialling these new approaches. There will be surgery sessions covering:
- Introduction to the electricity network and how WPD works
- A guide to the connection process and introduction to online resources
- Introduction to innovative solutions to grid constraints including smart technologies and local supply.
Watch the Youtube video to find out more about the successful work Regen SW is doing with communities, we are happy for you to share this video on Twitter and Facebook.
Booking and further information
For further information and booking, visit RegenSW’s website.