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Community grid capacity and connections – 3/2/15


3 March 2015


13:00 – 17:30


Clarke Willott, 138 Edmund Street, Birmingham, B3 2ES.


Regen SW

The event

Grid capacity and connections have always been a key element of renewable energy developments and can have a huge impact on community projects. Our next Community Energy Group Network event will help your group understand how to navigate grid issues, find out how you can work together with Western Power Distribution (WPD) to secure a grid connection, as well as help us feedback to DECC and Ofgem to remove barriers. There will be surgery sessions with WPD, and plenty of time for networking. The event is free of charge for community energy groups, sponsored by WPD and Clarke Willmott.

Booking and further information

To book, please visit Regen SW website.|

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