1 to 8 July 2015
09:30 – 15:30
The event
After the successful pilot of the Innovator Catalyst last year, Climate-KIC are once again offering this residential coached 8 day programme aimed at practitioners with experience in the built environment and looking at overcoming the challenges they face when constructing low-carbon buildings or providing low-carbon products and services to the market. Professionals may include planning, construction, building energy systems, consultancy, NGOs, housing associations, estates managers and procurement officers. Participants will get the chance to work on their own case studies, to develop the necessary skills and enable practitioners to make transitions happen themselves. Successful candidates will have:
- a commitment or drive to achieve a low carbon society and the courage to change
- concrete change objectives that they are working on – in order to be able to contribute relevant knowledge and experiences to the group of participants
- the (potential) position, and a relevant network, to make a difference in low carbon innovation
- open to transdisciplinary thinking and understanding
The full course fee is €2000 which covers the programme activities, refreshments and lunch during the days, and two group evening dinners. There are also discounts available for start-ups, not for profit and public sectors as well as early bird bookings. The deadline for applications is 8 June 2015.
Booking and further information
For further information email Ben Onyido or visit Climate-KIC’s website.