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DECC Heat Networks Roadshow


Friday 19 July


9am – 1.45pm


Austin Court, 80 Cambridge Street, Birmingham, B1 2NP


DECC, Birmingham City Council and Sustainability West Midlands

The event

The Heat Strategy and Policy team has arranged stakeholder events to promote the forthcoming heat networks delivery unit (HNDU). The events aim to:

  • Discuss the role of the new DECC HNDU and what it offers local authorities interested in developing heat networks
  • Offer local authorities clarity on when an application would be considered ready for HNDU support, clear timetable and process
  • Provide DECC with a good understanding of how many applications HNDU team can expect in its first call for applications


How to book and contact information

This is a free event, but you need to register to attend and confirm your place. Birmingham City Council are hosting the event on behalf of DECC.

To register for this event, please contact Barbara J. Street, via her e-mail address: Barbara.J.Street@birmingham.gov.uk


Other events

If you can’t attend this event in Birmingham why not attend another event as part of this national roadshow?

Manchester, 18 July, 9.30 – 1pm

Venue: Manchester City Council meeting room

Contact: Krista Patrick/CLASP krista@claspinfo.org


Bristol, 23 July, 1.30 – 4.45pm.

Venue: Burgess Salmon premises, Bristol.

Contact: Tim Crook, Regen SW  tcrook@regensw.co.uk


London, 25 July 10am

Venue: Argent, 4 Stable Street, London, N1C 4AB    

Suda Oza, DECC Sudha.oza@decc.gsi.gov.uk


Decc – 19th July event

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