13 November 2018
The Hive, WMCA Building, 16 Summer Lane, Birmingham, West Midlands, B19 3SD
Innovation Alliance for WM
The event
Shaping emerging regional projects to stimulate demand-led Innovation
This workshop will help shape emerging, large-scale collaborative activities with the potential to significantly impact business innovation and productivity as well as the delivery of public services in the West Midlands and wider Midlands region. By contributing to one of these consultations, you will also gain early insight into important regional demand-led innovation initiatives that could benefit your business/ organisation.
The workshop will discuss the following:
- Demand-led innovation and why is it important to stimulate it in the West Midlands/ Midlands?
- CDIS (The Consortium for the Demonstration of Intelligent Systems) is an ambitious programme to position the region at the vanguard of development, demonstration and adoption of intelligent (and integrated) systems through collaborative feasibility, pilot and technology showcasing activities. Initially it will focus on tackling barriers to exploiting intelligent systems to solve ‘grand challenges’ around mobility, health and energy.
- CITEC (Cross-Industry Technology Exploitation in Clusters) will support collaboration within and between supply chains to develop innovative new product and process technologies, focusing on five key Midlands industries (Next Generation Transport, Medical Technologies, Food Processing, Energy and Low Carbon, and Sustainable Construction).
- West Midlands 5G was recently announced as a multi-million pound, three city trial of new high speed connectivity that will pave the way for the future rollout of 5G across the UK. But what new 5G applications and services are we best placed to trial at scale?
Booking and further information
Register here:
We are also running an equivalent workshop for the construction sector;
see here for more details.