This intensive two-day workshop is delivered by a Coventry University lecturer in CAD Development in a fully equipped computer lab. It includes interactive sessions, individual exercises, Q&A and follow up sessions. The participants will be given access to additional training materials and exercises that will take their knowledge of Revit even further.
Who Should Attend
Any employee of a small and medium size company as well as sole traders based in Coventry & Warwickshire are eligible to attend.
No previous REVIT experience is necessary. The course is aimed at those who are just starting with Revit software and want to learn its essential elements or those who want to refresh their knowledge. Whether you work in the construction industry, architecture, design or engineering, you will find this course useful.
Autodesk Revit is also the market leading software tool for all BIM applications and will be of interest to anyone specialising in this area.
Day One:
The Revit Interface
The Revit building blocks – Walls, Floors and Roofs
Revit references – Grids, Levels and Planes
Revit families – Adding, Loading and the Project Browser
Creating shapes and forming boundaries
Creating the basic house shape with Floors and Roof.
Adding doors and windows and modifying families
Day Two
Revit Sandwiches and Revit Sausages
Revit Hosting
Modifying the families
Adding topography and context
Section cuts and view options
Setting up the drawing sheet
Adding content to the sheet and annotation
This workshop is funded by ERDF Green Business Program, delivered by Coventry University and CUE Business Solutions and as such only SMEs based in Coventry and Warwickshire are able to attend. Eligibility will be verified when completing registration details.
SMEs who attend may also be able to access grant assistance from delivery partners to fund the costs of software licensing and certification.
Please note due to high demand, we will be limiting attendance to two staff from each business.