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Developing and Implementing Corporate Carbon Management Plans for Local Authorities

The presentations from this event are now available to download.


Wednesday 5 December 2012


10am – 2pm with registration from 9.30am and a networking lunch until 2pm


Wychavon Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Pershore, Worcestershire, WR10 1PT


SWM and Wychavon District Council. This event is part of the West Midlands Low Carbon Economy Programme

Target Audience

Local Authority officers

The event itself


  • To promote successful corporate approaches taken by local authorities to reduce carbon by innovation and the implementation of good practice.
  • To identify carbon reduction opportunities for other local authorities, either individually or collaboratively.


This event is for those officers who would like the latest information on how they can at a corporate level adopt low carbon management plans. We have invited authorities that have recently developed a carbon management plan to talk about their experiences and offer advice. The event is aimed at officers working in areas such as climate change, estates and energy (though any officer is welcome to attend). The event caters for those with relatively little prior knowledge to those with existing knowledge who are interested in alternative approaches. 

The session will cover:

  • Strategic approaches to cutting carbon and costs
  • Embedding technologies into corporate strategy
  • Collaborative low carbon school services
  • Adopting carbon management plans corporately
  • How Local Authorities have benefitted from low carbon plans



9.30am – Refreshments and registration

10am – Welcome and housekeeping – Wychavon District Council

10.10am – Good practice speakers

Intelligently Green – Vic Allison, Wychavon District Council

Local Authority example of adopting a carbon management plan corporately – Ruth Johnson, Worcester City Council

Collaborative Low Carbon Schools Service – Dave Biss, Solihull MB Council

11.10am – Refreshments

11.40am – Local Authority example of adopting a carbon management plan corporately – Jenny Moreton, Wyre Forest District Council

12pm – Discussion

12.50pm – Next steps and close

1pm – 2pm Networking lunch

How to attend and contact for more information

To book your place please contact Anisha Chandar, Anisha.Chandar@swm.org.uk, 0121 237 5890 with your name, organisation, job title, email address, and any dietary and access requirements by Wednesday 28 November.

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