18 July 2019Time
13:00 – 16:00Location
National Trust HQ, Swindon, SN2 2NAOrganisers
Fit for the Future NetworkThe event
Does my organisation need a sustainable policy or strategy? Should it be about energy, waste, procurement, transport, environmental impacts? What should be included and how do I set about putting one together?
This meeting is an opportunity to discuss with other members how to write or rewrite current organisational policies around sustainability, what language to use and why, and how to approach a sustainability strategy. It will be an informal afternoon based on sharing existing policies and strategies among the group, with lots of time for asking questions and learning from others.
There will be an option for members to join the meeting via video conferencing facilities so please indicate if this is your preference when you sign up to the event.
SWM will be speaking at this event about our experience with developing strategies for various organisations.