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Developing the Bioeconomy throughout Europe – 2-3/10/14


2-3  October 2014




European Bioenergy Research Institute (EBRI), Aston University, Birmingham, B4 7ET.



The event

Estimated to be worth over €2 trillion, providing 20 million jobs and accounting for 9% of total employment in the EU, the bioeconomy is set to build a more competitive, innovative and prosperous Europe and bioenergy has an important role to play. To see what the developing European bioeconomy means for businesses and organisations, EBRI, in partnership with Climate KIC, is organising this two-day event.  Hear about the latest developments from speakers from the UK, Belgium, France, Germany and the Netherlands. The event will give you an understanding of: • Fundamentals of bioenergy • Conventional and emerging bioenergy technologies • Innovations throughout Europe • Bioenergy markets • Biomass feedstocks • Bioenergy project development & financing. Booking and further information For further information, please visit BioenNW’s website.  For booking, go online, email beno@innovationbham.com, or telephone 121 250 3526.

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