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Development Opportunities: Tyseley Environmental Enterprise District Information Exchange Event


22 October 2013


4 – 7pm


Birmingham City Council


South and City College Birmingham, Tyseley Campus, Amington Road, Tyseley, Birmingham, B25 8EP

The event

Tyseley Environmental Enterprise District is one of six Economic Zones launched as part of the City Council’s Economic Zones Prospectus in September 2012. The Prospectus promotes Tyseley as a ‘location of choice’ for local and inward investment in the resource recovery sector and in emerging energy-from-waste and related technologies.

The Tyseley Property Assistance Programme grant encourages small and medium-sized  enterprises located in, or planning to move to, the area to undertake site improvement works or new-build development projects.

The grant scheme, for which funding is provided from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), provides a 50% contribution up to a maximum of £100,000 towards development costs.

Supporting new development and investment in the area, the Tyseley Environmental Enterprise District Information Exchange events will allow best practice in the resource recovery sector to be shared and for industry experts to meet site owners, practitioners, agents and other local stakeholders.

This Information Exchange event is free of charge and is the second in a series.

The Development Opportunities event will showcase three major sites in the Tyseley Environmental Enterprise District; Tyseley Energy Park at Hay Mills, Tyseley Wharf, adjacent to the Grand Union Canal, and the site of the former Hay Hall Yards on Hay Hall Road. These sites provide approximately 10 hectares (25) acres) of development land suitable for light industrial, energy from waste and modern resource recovery use. In addition, the Environment Agency will talk about businesses’ statutory obligations on waste management and disposal.

How to book and contact information

To register your interest in attending this event, please contact Ashfaq Ashraf on 0121 464 9861 or ashfaq.ashraf@birmingham.gov.uk

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