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Duty of Care Workshop – 18/5/20


18 May


14:00 – 15:00





The Event

Your Duty of Care starts from the moment you produce waste and may also continue beyond the appropriately authorised waste contractor you engage to deal with it.


Welcome & Introduction to presenters – Andy Whyle, BESST Chair Duty of Care – Steve Cawthorne & Charlotte Watson, Environment Agency Steve and Charlotte will talk about basic principles of Duty of Care, some common failures, key waste streams and relevant COVID related Position statements. Importance of Compliance – Adam Wilson, Severn Compliance Adam will talk about examples where business waste has been removed from site, what companies should check other than the basics when having site waste removed and what does compliance look like? Duty of Care Auditing – Andy Whyle, Ricoh UK Products Ltd Andy will talk about the method and added benefits of creating a partnership approach with the Recycling infrastructure Right Waste, Right Place Campaign: Andy Whyle / Steve Cawthorne A short overview of this campaign and how it can be supported will be given Q&A: Answering questions raised during the webcast – panel members Through BESST there are links into Telford Business Board and the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership and some business support guidance available through these routes. These can remain confidential if needed. If you would like to raise any issues through the Business Board to the Marches LEP please email telford-businessboard@outlook.com Furlough and Continual Professional Development Employees may undertake any job-related training (i.e. BESST Events) while they are on furlough leave as long as it doesn’t involve them in providing services to, or generating revenue for or on behalf of their organisation). The knowledge imparted in these training sessions are for your own individual development and as such does not provide a direct service or generate revenue. 

Booking and More Information

To book for this workshop please email telford-besst@outlook.com

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