Wednesday 18th May 2011
Birmingham City Centre
The event itself
Eco-Innovation is an EU funding programme which helps bring environmentally friendly technologies, products and processes to market. The main focus of the programme is to reduce environmental impact, increase recycling and promote resource efficiency through supporting post-research activities in the four main areas: materials recycling, food and drink sector, sustainable construction materials and greening business. The programme is open to all legal organisations and small and medium enterprises are particularly encouraged to apply for funding.
Please download the Programme for the day. The following key areas will be covered at the event:
- How the fund works and the support available to you
- Steps to success and what makes a good application
- Success stories
- Technology Strategy Board – what it can do for you
- Expert explanation of the application process
- Meet fellow applicants
- Tips & individual guidance
Places allocated on a first come first served basis.
Places are limited and are only confirmed on receipt of the registration form – the full venue details will then be revealed.
How do you attend this event
Please register at or email