Thursday 3 December 2009
Arrival and registration at 9:45am for a 10:15am start. The event will finish at 3:30pm.
BVSC, The Centre for Voluntary Action, 138 Digbeth, Birmingham B5 6DR
The National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE)
Target audience
The seminars will be of particular interest to:
- Senior managers in adult community learning, Third Sector and not for profit training providers
- Staff with organisational responsibility for sustainable development
- Third Sector learning consortia
Other local and regional umbrella organisations
The event itself
Sustainable development has been rising up the education agenda in recent years, and has a high profile in the new Common Inspection Framework.
These free seminars are designed to support Adult Community Learning (ACL), Third Sector and not for profit providers to develop their sustainable development policies and practices by exploring issues and sharing solutions and becoming part of an on-going conversation to take forward this important agenda. Research carried out by NIACE in 2008 suggests that ACL, Third Sector and not for profit providers are at different stages of introducing sustainable development into their work, and for most it is a relatively new area.
From September 2009, Ofsted inspections of all further education providers will evaluate the contribution that providers are making to sustainable development. Judgements will be made by inspectors on the extent to which:
- learners develop skills, knowledge and understanding relevant to sustainable development
- resources are managed in a sustainable way
In addition, Ofsted will promote the consideration of sustainable development within organisational self assessment. Click here for further information about the new Common Inspection Framework and sustainable development.
The conference programme will include presentations from Ofsted on the new inspection arrangements and from providers describing their journeys towards the implementation of sustainable development. There will also be group discussions and activities, and a strong focus on sharing knowledge and experiences and engaging delegates to develop the sustainability agenda within their own organisations.
How do you attend this event
Attendance is free to delegates and is restricted to the target audience. Places will be allocated in order of receipt of completed application forms (one form per person).
To download a brochure and reserve a place on any of this event, please visit the Event’s website.
Contact for further information
Please contact Gurjit Kaur, part of NIACE Events Team, on 0116 204 2833 or e-mail her if you want furher details about any of the event.