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EH Smith & Encraft Passivhaus Event – 27/11/14


27 November 2014


08:30 – 12:00


EH Smith Sustainability Centre, Coleshill Road, Sutton Coldfield, B75 7AZ



The event

Passivhaus, the fastest growing energy performance standard in the world, combines principles of excellent thermal performance, exceptional airtightness with controlled ventilation.  In the UK itself, the adoption of Passivhaus is rapidly growing – with over 250 buildings completed and certified at the end of 2013, and a significant number in the process of being completed. To look at this emerging area, EH Smith and Encraft are organising a short seminar for construction and built environment development professionals. Themes covered include: Why Passivhaus?, Passivhaus Overview and Certification, Whole-life costs of Passivhaus, 2 Case Studies – 1 New Build and 1 Retrofit Passivhaus project. Who is this event for? Primarily construction and built environment development professionals representing Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) and Local Authorities (LAs). If you work in housing, either new build or maintenance, have heard of Passivhaus but not sure if it is the right standard for your organisation or project, and want to know more, then this event is for you. Consultants, architects, academics, contractors, surveyors and suppliers interested in Passivhaus are also welcome to attend.

Booking and further information

More details on the event, including an agenda, can be found here.  

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