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Energy efficiency – involving and working with local stakeholders


Tuesday 29 May 2012


9.30am – 3pm


Austin Court, Birmingham


West Midlands Councils

Target Audience

Local authorities, LEPs and other local stakeholders involved in the development and delivery of sustainable energy policies, plans and projects.

The event itself

How best can local authorities involve and work with their local stakeholders when developing and delivering their climate change plans?

EU2020 Going Local is an exciting project that considers just this. The project promotes a local governance model of climate change action in which communities and stakeholders play an active role in the development and implementation of policies, plans and projects. Partners from 14 European regions are working together to share good practice and support one another in translating this practice to local strategies.

There is particular focus on Europe’s 2020 climate change targets and the two themes of energy and sustainable transport. The aim of the project is to stimulate new ideas for projects that will add value to local activity and could attract money from European Structural Funds and other programmes

West Midlands Councils is delivering three events during May and June to share the project lessons and help other local areas benefit in their local climate change work

The events will each address a separate area of sustainable energy – energy efficiency (29 May), renewable energy (31 May) and sustainable transport (19 June)

Delegates will learn of:

  • Local governance on climate change – what’s it all about?
  • The EU2020 Going Local model and lessons
  • Presentations of good practice in local involvement from European partners & West Midlands’ local authorities
  • Update on current EU funding opportunities, changes to Structural Funds and programmes 2014 – 2020
  • EU funding surgery -delegates can obtain guidance on opportunities for their own plans


The local partner for EU2020 Going Local is Stoke-on-Trent City Council and this project is part-funded by the ERDF as part of the INTERREG IVC programme. Further details are available on the EU2020 Going Local website.

Fran Gilbert, SWM is presenting at this event.

How to attend

This event is free to attend however booking is required.

Please email Katherine Shepherd at k.shepherd@wmcouncils.gov.uk if you would like to attend, quoting the title of the event in the message title.

Contact for more information

Contact Katherine Shepherd, k.shepherd@wmcouncils.gov.uk, 0121 245 0180 for more information.


Flyer (pdf)

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