Tuesday 18 June
4pm – 7pm
South City College, Tyseley Campus, Amington Road, Tyseley, Birmingham, B25 8EP
The event itself
This event will showcase current thinking on both innovative and traditional waste treatment processes and on ways to simplify the planning processes for the Tyseley Environmental Enterprise District.
Speakers at the event will be:
SWM Green Leader Dr Andreas Hornung, Director of the European Bioenergy Research Institute
Dr Bushra Al-Duri, Reader in Supercritical Fluid Technology
Steve Mitchell, Managing Director (Birmingham), Veolia Environmental Services
Tracey Humpheries, Area Planning Manager, Birmingham City Council
The agenda also includes time for discussion, questions and answer sessions and networking with refreshments.
How to attend and contact information
This event is free to attend. To register your interest in attending this event, please contact Ashfaq Ashraf via email, or telephone 0121 464 9861