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Energy Game Changer brokerage event – 25/2/16


25 February 2016


09:30 – 15:00


The studio, 7 Cannon Street, Birmingham, B2 5EP.


Innovate UK, in collaboration with the Knowledge Transfer Network.

The event

This brokerage event to promote their new competition, Energy Game Changer. This event is free to attend and will be an opportunity to find out more about the competition and to connect with potential collaborators across the supply chain. What is the opportunity? The energy sector is one of the most highly regulated, capital-intensive and risk averse industrial sectors in the world, with new technologies invariably taking 10 years or more to get to market. Innovate UK is to invest up to £1.5 million in technical feasibility studies to encourage new entrants to the energy sector and stimulate the adoption of disruptive technologies which will tackle long-standing challenges faced by the sector. Innovate UK is therefore seeking to fund game-changing technologies that will solve selected challenges defined by sector specialists, either by the development of completely new ideas or through technology transfer from other sectors. Who should attend? This event is open to any organisation with an interest in solving these energy challenges, but with particular interest of innovative proposals led by businesses from outside the energy sector such as, automotive defence, aerospace, creative industries, telecommunications and space. This will require expertise in areas such as; inspection, ICT, digital, sensors, virtual reality, gaming, robotics, autonomous vehicles and high value manufacturing/materials.

Booking and further information

Book through Eventbrite.

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