Tuesday 20 September
8am – 10.30pm
Hadley Park House Hotel, Hadley Park East, Telford, Shropshire TF1 6QJ
Met net
Target audience
This event is open to SME businesses based in Shropshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Telford & Wrekin.
The event itself
The day will feature the following:
8.00am Registration, breakfast and networking
8.30am Introduction: metnet
8.35 am Waste regulation overview and legislation update
Martin Everett & Steve Cawthorne, Environment Agency
9.00 am Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin
- Quantities of waste generated in Shropshire / Telford;
- How this waste is currently managed;
- Current policy context and track record for local waste planning decisions;
- Projected impact of targets etc;
- Our waste planning strategy for the future.
Adrian Cooper, Environment, Economy & Transport Policy, Shropshire Council
9.30am Wrap ERDF Support for Recycling Businesses in the West Midlands
David Rogers, Wrap
9.40am Q&A and refreshments
10.30 am 1 to 1 Sessions – have a particular issue? we can arrange 1 to 1 sessions with the
12.00am Close
How do you attend this event
If you are interested in attending please booking by contacting: or alternatively phone 01584 838248. Please specify any dietary requirements. If you would like a 1 to 1 session with any of the speakers please detail on booking.