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EU Funding Workshop for rural Staffordshire – 26/1/17


26 January 2017


Morning – times TBC


Rodbaston Campus, Penkridge, Staffordshire, ST19 5PH


Staffordshire Rural Forum

The event

Businesses in rural areas now have a number of different routes to find support for their growth ambitions. Funding from both the government and the EU is still available through a range of bespoke and general support programmes operated locally through local authorities, Chambers of Commerce and other organisations. It is important that Staffordshire’s rural businesses take full advantage of these programmes and help the county’s economy to grow, creating new and sustainable jobs. The Staffordshire Rural Forum is holding a workshop to highlight three EU funded programmes: DEFRA’s European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), the Staffordshire LEADER Programme and the Staffordshire Rural Enterprise Programme. Attendees will be able to find out the latest criteria and bidding timeline for each programme, as well as get expert advice and guidance from the programme managers. A market place involving a range of other business support and grant programmes (including sben) will be present and will provide stakeholders and businesses with an opportunity to discuss their projects in more detail and to register interest.

Booking and further information

This event is free of charge but places are limited. Please email Sue Glen at Staffordshire County Council (susan.glen@staffordshire.gov.uk) to reserve your place. Similarly, if your organisation provides business support and would like to participate in the market place with a banner or literature, please let Sue know.

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