6 November 2018
13:00 Onwards
Coventry University Techno Centre Room CC2.4, Coventry University Technology Park, Puma Way, Coventry, CV1 2TT
Coventry University
The event
The latest Calls for Proposals for the 2014-2020 European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in Coventry & Warwickshire have recently been released by Government. These are national calls with the aims of stimulating economic growth,
reflecting the Coventry & Warwickshire ESIF Strategy. For Coventry & Warwickshire, these Calls cover:
The deadline for outline applications is Friday 23
rd November.
The Coventry & Warwickshire ERDF Technical Assistance Team is hosting an ERDF application surgery on the afternoon of Tuesday 6
th November, from 1pm.
The surgery is targeted at organisations that are interested in applying for funding from one of the above Calls (either as a Lead Applicant or Partner/sub-contractor). The surgery will consist of a series of individual pre-bookable sessions for prospective ESIF applicants who wish to discuss potential project ideas in more detail and/or to address any specific application or Programme related questions that they may have.
Booking and further information
For more information, click
here. For booking, please contact