Friday 18 January
Registration from 10.15am for a 10.50am start. The event will close at around 5pm.
Edgbaston campus, G16 on Campus Map, Lucas House, Conference Park, University of Birmingham, B15 2RA
University of Birmingham
The event itself
This event coincides with the passage through Parliament of the Energy Bill implementing Electricity Market Reform (EMR) which is concerned with giving priority to a low-carbon electricity strategy. This event will focus on policies needed to underpin a feed-in tariff system for funding renewable energy and also the sort of policy environment that is needed to ensure maximised expansion of renewable energy.
The conference will also provide a focus for the independent sector (both large and small) who are vitally important to achieving anticipated growth in renewable energy deployment.
A mixture of expert speakers and participants for industry, government, environmental NGOs, and academia will discuss the details of the issues and options available.
- £200 corporate/commercial organisations
- £50 to other organisations
- FREE Charity/Voluntary sector organisations
- FREE University of Birmingham staff, students or alumni
Contact for further information
For further details about the venue and booking arrangements contact Ann Bolstridge email: or if you would like to learn more about content of the day and research in this area at Birmingham contact David Toke email: