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Fit for the Future II – 17/10/17


17 October 2017


Start: 10:15 (09:45 for refreshments) Finish: 15:40 Lunch will be provided at approx. 13:00


BVSC Conference Centre

, Rooms 4/5, 138 Digbeth, Birmingham, B5 6DR


SWM, supported by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)

The event

The Fit for the Future II conference, the follow up to the first event back in March 2016, will bring LEPs and their partners together for another opportunity to:

  • Share good practice on LEP activity pertaining to energy, the low carbon economy, climate resilience and the environment.
  • Network with fellow LEPs about the above and identify collaborative opportunities.
  • Hear from BEIS on their national policy work and how they can support your LEP in developing energy strategies and other energy and low carbon work.
  • Hear how other organisations can support you to develop your LEP’s low carbon and climate change planning.
  • Discover the results of the second Fit for the Future national climate change and low carbon benchmarking exercise, drawing on the first publication in early 2016, to be published soon. Also find out the results of similar benchmarking exercise for city regions and analysis of energy devolution.
  • Discover the findings and outcomes of recent workshops convened by Regeneris related to the low carbon aspects of European Regional Development Funding and how these can help inform future funding opportunities.

Ultimately the event aims to keep the momentum going on this agenda to show why embracing the climate change agenda can stimulate local growth, provide more job opportunities and strengthen economic resilience in local areas. An agenda is available here.


This event will prioritise those who work for LEPs, city regions and combined authorities and will include:

  • LEP and CA Board members
  • LEP, CA and CR officers and staff
  • Members of LEP, CA and CR working groups related to the low carbon / climate change agenda
  • Organisations that support LEP(s) and CA(s) on the low carbon / climate change agenda

Booking and further information

Registrations are now closed. If you have questions about the event, please email enquiries@swm.org.uk.

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