8 March 2016
10:00 – 15:15 including lunch
BVSC Conference Centre, Rooms 4/5/6, 138 Digbeth, Birmingham, B5 6DR
SWM, supported by Environment Agency Midlands, Climate UK, European Union Regional Development Fund.
The event
This workshop will provide examples of good practice from around England on what different LEPs are doing to strengthen their local low carbon economy, manage carbon emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. It will showcase why embracing the climate change agenda can stimulate local growth, provide more job opportunities and strengthen economic resilience. This event will draw on a report written by SWM, which provides an appraisal on each LEP’s commitment to climate change mitigation and adaptation. Click here for an agenda Confirmed speakers include Environment Agency, Climate UK, Natural England, DECC, DCLG, ENWORKS, New Anglia LEP, Cheshire & Warrington LEP and Greater Birmingham and Solihull LEP.
Members of LEP Boards, Low Carbon/Sustainability LEP sub-boards and those in local authorities who work with the LEP who focus on climate change issues.
Booking and further information
Registration for this event is now closed.