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Funding and support for low carbon development – 29/7/14


29 July 2014


16:30 – 18:30


EBRI Building, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ET.


Midlands Environmental Business Company

The event

Do you want to know more about the wide variety of funding schemes available for Midlands SMEs? This networking event will provide an opportunity to learn more about schemes available. Our business members will provide practical examples of how successful these funds have been and there will an opportunity to speak to the organisations who can help you put together your application, deliver your projects and improve business performance.

Attendance from business representatives, intermediaries and project and investment managers from the public and private sectors are welcome. Presentations will cover: 1. British Standards Institution – Sustainability Management Standard. 2. Research opportunities with EBRI 3. Green Bridge Fund 4. Smarter Working West Midlands 5. EcoBusinessWM 6. Business Innovation Programme 18:30-19:00 Tour of EBRI Facilities – optional. Including an introduction to each scheme, case studies of successful companies and application support. Booking and further information To book a place or for further information, please visit Eventbrite’s website.

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