As part of the West Midlands Local Authority Low Carbon Economy Programme, the Energy Saving Trust on behalf of Sustainability West Midlands and Improvement and Efficiency West Midlands is offering a series of free capacity building and training events to unlock the savings and income potential of large-scale renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in your own buildings and more widely in your area.
We are offering introductory sessions which will cover opportunities for financing energy efficiency retrofit for housing, financing improvements to your authority’s own estate and financing medium and large scale decentralised energy projects.
Introductory sessions:
You are welcome to attend as many of these sessions as you like and would recommend that you attend one of the introductory sessions as well as one or more of the in depth sessions depending on the focus of your authority/ the support you need.
In-depth sessions:
- Financing energy efficiency and renewable energy retrofit in housing – Birmingham, 18 November
- Financing medium and large-scale decentralised energy – Birmingham, 22 November
- Financing improvements to local authority own estate buildings – Birmingham, 24 November
24 October
The workshop starts at 10.30 but there will be registration with tea and coffee available from 10.15 and the workshop is due to finish at 16. 15.
Windsor room, Stoke-on-Trent City Council Civic Centre, Glebe Street, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 1HH
Energy Saving Trust on behalf of Sustainability West Midlands and Improvement and Efficiency West Midlands
Target Audience
These events are FREE to attend and are aimed at West Midlands local authority senior finance directors, heads of procurement, legal professionals, heads of environment, estates managers, housing managers, sustainability officers and portfolio holders for the environment.
The event itself
This workshop will outline the opportunities for financing energy projects across the domestic and non-domestic sectors. It will cover the opportunities presented by the Feed In Tariff and Renewable Heat Incentive, how you might prepare for the Green Deal, options around energy services and district heating. It will also aim to cover opportunities presented by the Carbon Reduction Commitment and touch on EU funding.
In advance of the workshop we would like you to think about what aspirations you have for your authority, what projects are you looking at and what you are trying to finance as these will be discussed during the course of the day.
Please could you also bring details of:
- any carbon targets your authority has set,
- the number of domestic properties in your area,
- the number of non-domestic properties you are trying to improve,
- any decentralised energy project you have or are considering.
How to attend and contact for more information
To register for your place at these workshops please email with details of the workshop/s you would like to attend. For further details feel free to contact Emma on 020 7654 2636 for more information.
For more information about the West Midlands Local Authority Low Carbon Economy Programme please contact Fran Gilbert at SWM on 0121 237 5890 or