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Green Games Workshop 3 – 10/10/18


10 October  2018




STEAMhouse Birmingham, 108 Digbeth, Birmingham, B5 6DT


Climate Action Network West Midlands

The event

This workshop will build on the ideas created by the first two workshops in areas such as transport, housing, food, green spaces and the “green economy” to make major events in the region as sustainable as possible. If you want to join the new mailing list and get a copy of the workshop summary, please email greengames2022@gmail.com Workshop 3 will focus on practical steps to achieve our main goals. We’ll be hosted by STEAMhouse, Birmingham City University’s brand new centre for innovation and collaboration (https://www.steamhouse.org.uk/)

Booking and further information

This event is free to attend. For more information and booking, click here. Read more about the proposals here.

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