14 October 2015
10:30 – 13:30 (registration will open at 10:00 and event will be followed by a networking drinks reception)
Bevan Brittan LLP, Interchange Place, Edmund Street, Birmingham , B3 2TA.
Bevan Brittan
The event
This is the second in a series of seminars that focuses on legal and commercial issues for Heat Networks. It will provide a toolkit to aid understanding and project management for local or regional heat (and electricity) network schemes. The creation and distribution of low carbon heat is a major element of Government energy policy. DECC via the Heat Network Delivery Unit (HNDU) has made available funds to Local Authorities to help pump prime Heat Network schemes in their areas. The session will include:
- A DECC introduction to the role of HNDU and the future of heat networks – from John Saunders, Head of investment at HNDU
- How to structure and deliver your project – key legal and contractual issues
- How technically feasible is it to build an energy centre and network of heat pipes
- How to construct the Business Case which will deliver decarbonised heat
- Are joint ventures the way forward for heat networks?
- How to manage Procurement issues
Booking and further information
For more information and booking details, please visit Bevan Brittan’s website.