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Heat Networks Funding Workshop and HNIP Application Form Seminar – 4/2/20


4 February


Heat Networks Funding Workshop – 09:30 HNIP Application Form Seminar – 13:00


Ecuity Consulting LLP 3 Mary Ann Street Jewellery Quarter Birmingham B3 1BG


Triple Point Heat Networks Investment Management

The Event

Heat Networks Funding Workshop This event aims to provide you with an overview of the range of support available to heat network projects in the West Midlands. For those who are relatively new to heat networks projects or are in the early stages of a project, we will be discussing some of the challenges faced and how the Government is able to support projects throughout their heat network journey. HNIP Application Form Seminar
This session will walk applicants through the Heat Networks Investment Project application form. This event will be suitable for those who have submitted a pre-application and are working towards a full application and those who are considering submitting a pre-application in the very near future. It will offer the opportunity to get a detailed explanation of the supporting evidence required, the FEAM model and the HNIP application process. The Triple Point Heat Networks Investment Management team will be on hand to answer any specific queries you may have.

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