28 June
11:30 – 12:45 Registration and Networking Lunch Event to conclude at 15:55
Banqueting Suite, Birmingham Council House, Victoria Square, Birmingham, B1 1BB
The event
The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy are pleased to invite you to attend one of the heat networks investment project (HNIP) regional workshops. The events are designed to present in detail the information provided in the HNIP Scheme Overview published in April and provide an opportunity to ask questions about the project. The aim is to ensure that organisations are well prepared for the scheme, and that all stakeholders interested in applying for HNIP funding have the necessary information to submit high quality applications once the scheme launches in autumn. The workshops will provide attendees with the following: • An outline of the HNIP funding – background to why it has been made available and what the government seeks to achieve. • Details on the application requirements to include, technical guidance, and information on how to carry out the preparatory work required before applying. • Where to get further information and how to make contacts that can support with the process. • An opportunity to raise questions and to network with other attendees and BEIS officials.
Booking and further information
To RSVP, please email Kristina Rafnson-Hall at stating which event you would like to attend (both in the email subject and text). More information about the HNIP can be found here. This event will take place in Birmingham, however, as these are regional workshops, they will also take place at the following locations and times: Cardiff, Wales – Cardiff & Vale College, One Canal Parade, Dumballs Road, Cardiff, CF10 5BF – 20 June North York – National Railway Museum, Leeman Road, York, YO26 4XJ – 5 July North-East Newcastle – Central Newcastle – 31 July South-East Exeter – TBC – 30 August